This is a really cool experience and hopefully people will get a look into what type of artist I am and what my aspirations are.

Tell us a bit about yourself (name, location, personal stuff).

My name is Morgan Constantino, I live on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina (born and raised!). I am 23 years old and just graduated from college this past May with a degree in Archaeology, minoring in Classical Studies and Religion. I chose "Karma" for my jewelry business name because it is an all too real concept to me and I feel that such a circular concept belongs naturally with jewelry. Pick out good jewelry (a good choice!) and you will in turn feel better and good things will happen!
Are you a full-time artist/crafter?
I am a full-time crafter. I had another job working at a beautiful bead store, but I realized I needed to focus more on myself as an artist and really focus on the business side of the business.
How long have you been in business?
I have officially been selling since October of 2007.
What percentage of your income is from "online" sales?
I would say I do about 10% is from online sales. I get most of my sales from personal visits or shows I have put on.
What can your customers look forward to for 2008?
A lot more variety and different styles. I have been working hard on getting my wire work up to a new level and have been experimenting a lot. I am self-taught so I am always looking to elevate my work. Also look for a lot more pure-silver pieces.
What do utilize most for INSPIRATION?
I love being outside, the colors and contrasts really help me put colors and designs together that - to me - seem naturally correct. I also get inspiration from my friends and family with their love and support.
How does being CREATIVE effective your life?
Being creative makes me feel like I am running a marathon in my mind, taking from the past 16 years of being in learning institutions, traveling, meeting new people, playing sports, and observing - enables me to tap into all that I know in my mind and produce interesting and one of a kind pieces.
What do you love most about what you make?
I love that it can really make someone's mood and attitude change when they find something I made that makes them feel beautiful.
Do you offer any services such as, wholesale, custom orders, swapping or bartering?
I offer wholesale, custom orders, and USPS Priority Mail shipping. I haven't swapped or bartered yet.
What advice can you share with other artists/crafters?
Keep going! Always take the time to try new things and to better yourself as an artist. I think it is really easy to get caught up doing something else, but to set aside time and make something is so rewarding for yourself and potentially (hopefully) for the person it ends up with.
If you had "studio elves" what job would you give them to do?
Haha. I wish I had them! Find all the little beads I have dropped and I would love if they made coffee.
Do you have studio tips on staying organized, and working efficiently?
Being organized is so important. My advice is be organized in a way that you know you can handle. Don't make it too complicated and always organize so that you can find just what you are looking for. I bought a few of the organizers with drawers from Lowes for smaller tools and screws, etc. They work wonderfully and I labeled all of them with my labeler. Everything in my studio I can pretty much get within reach. This makes me more effective and productive. I also bring my laptop and pop in good movies or series such as Arrested Development and the Office.
Please share why "buying/selling handmade" is important to you...
I love the idea of knowing that what I am making is different that a lot of pieces you see in stores. What I am making you will NOT see on everyone. I hand select my beads and findings and know that I am getting exactly what I want to make a variety of different pieces. I took the "Handmade Pledge" this holiday season and told everyone! I really did buy all handmade gifts OR made them myself. It was an important step for me, and the gifts all went over extremely well. People felt they were more personalized and original.
Besides creating & selling handmade goods, in what other areas of your life do strive to be 'independent, resourceful, & creative"?
As a recent college graduate, I am always looking to be independent, resourceful, and creative! My mind was just filled with knowledge about so many different things and I am beginning to really process what I know and how what I know shows through in my jewelry and in my life. ****come back to this one ****
Where would like to be in 10 years?
I would like to still be creating even if my business falls through. I would like to be married, maybe have a kid or two by then. I would like to be happy and healthy.
Summary only...