I had my show in Clemson this weekend, though it was smaller than I had hoped, I still sold a few of my favorite pieces. So a sale is a sale! I got a lot of really great feedback and ideas. I plan on going back up there with a different game plan next time, but still believe to find some more sales.
On a brighter note, I have been giving out more copies of my portfolio and have been getting a great response. I think I was right when I said the first steps would be the hardest.
I also *hopefully* avoided the flu. There is apparently an epidemic happening in a few states. I hate being sick and really hope I do not catch the flu from my friends in the up state.
This week I plan on making more DVDs and mailing them to a few boutiques people were talking about this weekend. I went to a few of the boutiques myself and believed that some of my pieces would really fit in nicely and hopefully sell nicely as well :)
heres to learning!