Since law school has taken over my life along with early signs of carpal tunnel - I have forgotten how good it feels when someone compliments my jewelry that I have made myself. Even though I wear my jewelry at school, it is something that people don't really focus on because we are all face down in books. This weekend, since I am not going home for Thanksgiving and having my annual Thanksgiving Sale with my mom, my parents offered to meet me at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC (love this town). A few people since I have been here have complimented my turquoise and white onyx earrings and luckily I still have my business cards and have handed a few out. It is good to know that what I think looks good - other people do too :) haha.

I am taking a break right now to write this as I am sitting by the fire in the lounge of the Inn. I am in the middle of wrapping up my law school outlines for finals as well as just taking sometime for myself.
I hope that each of you have a wonderful holiday season! Remember the good things in life!