Some of you know that I am in the South Carolina Etsy Team. We have so many talented artists that I have decided to feature some of my fellow team members. This week I am featuring Lynda/SC Diva of Diva Designs. She created beautiful jewelry using beads and pendants that she creates from polymer clay. Her creations are incredible! She also has a very interesting history and story. Enjoy :)

1. Tell me about yourself.
My name is Lynda Moseley. I am 49 years old, single with no children except four ancient cats who allow me to mother them. I have been a real estate and probate paralegal for the past 28 years, a free-lance floral designer for 26 years; and a jewelry designer and professional genealogist for the past 25 years. I also created and administer three online DNA projects for genealogy purposes. I am a very proud 9th generation South Carolinian and have lived in the same town for most of my life. I am also the world’s greatest aunt to two nephews and a niece, whom I adore. I love to read and cook, and I am a rabid Atlanta Braves fan. I collect first editions, vintage tin and pressed steel children’s kitchen toys, flour sacks and feed sacks from the 1930s and 1940s, and vintage kitchenware and enamelware. I also tat, crochet, cross-stitch, needlepoint and sew; and I make grow flowers and herbs for potpourri and dried flower wreaths and arrangements.
2. Tell me about your craft/business.
I have been designing jewelry since I was a teenager, but only recently started working with polymer clay to create pendants for my necklace designs. I purchased my first block of clay last October. It took me a month to work up the nerve to open the package, and 600 or so beads later, I decided I was ready to start designing jewelry around the beads. It has quickly become an addiction, and I cannot see myself ever abandoning it. The combination of color and pattern is limited only by my imagination.

3. What do you most love about living in SC?
Everything except the gnats and skeeters. Really. I LOVE my state. I consider myself blessed to have been born here. In fact, I am a very proud 9th generation South Carolinian. My father's family's roots in South Carolina go back to my Huguenot ancestors who fled France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, arriving here 1688, via Switzerland. My Palatin ancestors arrived here in 1735, my Irish ancestors in 1767, my English ancestors about 1773.
I love our flag. The palmetto and crescent on that indigo blue background gives me chills every time I see it flying. I love that I am within driving distance of beaches and mountains. I love the food unique to our Southern culture. Give me some fried chicken and a tomato sandwich slathered with Duke's mayonnaise, and I am a happy girl. I love small town living in South Carolina, where you know everybody and everybody knows you. I love having most of my family here as well. It's a short trip to a family reunion!
4. What are your recent goals?
As far as my jewelry business, to concentrate on marketing and selling more on the internet. I have been very successful locally, mainly due to word of mouth advertising from some loyal friends and customers. It is the reason I joined TeamSC. I really believe there is power in our numbers, and I look forward to being a part of the movement to showcase and promote South Carolina artisans and artistry.
You can purchase ANY of Lynda's creations at her etsy store: Click Here
Very nice interview..good job..
Great interview
Ditto wonderful world. Took the words right out of my fingers! Really, I enjoyed your interview very much.
That was a great feature. I always enjoy reading interviews with artists/crafters. Thanks for sharing :)
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