I have been lucky this past month and have sold a few items from my etsy.com site. I really enjoy making a sale for a number of different reasons. Mainly, I am happy that someone found something they like enough to purchase either for themselves or someone else. As an artist in whatever capacity, when someone appreciates your work - that is what makes creating so worth while.
I am attached to each piece I make because I design it, pick the stones out, create the fine silver pieces, and wrap wire with love. I am glad that it transpires into something beautiful and lovely for someone else to do the same with.
Thank you to those who have purchased pieces from me. It truly does mean more than you know!
So happy for you..Everything is really lovely..Something so rewarding when a person enjoys something you made..very proud feeling..
Great! Congrats for the sales. I really like that red one.
You are very talented and creative!
Congrats on the sales! I completely understand how you feel ~~ each time I sell an item from large to small, I feel so honored!!
I love your oceanesque colored items -- they go so well with my recent work *smiles*
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